6/25/2020 0 Comments The Way of LoveIf I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 3 If I give away all I have, and if I deliver up my body to be burned,[a] but have not love, I gain nothing. 1 Corinthians 13 The Great Turning. A wake-up call of worldwide proportions. The coming to light of centuries of oppression, violence, greed and hate. Pandemic, protests and politics that have fostered virulent polarization are waging a war on humanity. From the disorienting and debilitating ironies and realities of being in global lockdown, labeled "essential" or not, coerced into public mask wearing and social distancing to the devastating tragedies of our black brothers and sisters being murdered in the streets--could it be any more apparent that we are witnessing the outrageous cost of remaining collectively unconscious, unable to breathe, work or live our lives according to our civil rights and sovereign dignity? We heard George Floyd's siren call out to the one that he hoped would save his life: MOTHER.
This monumental period of human history will now include HER-story. A great gift that 2020 is now revealing to us is the return and reclamation of the Divine Feminine back into our collective consciousness. We are being invited to remember what it is to respect and honor the sacred balance of life as all of creation contains this model of relationship between Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine as universal, complimentary creative principles. Indigenous and ancient wisdom traditions understood the necessity and inherent value of respecting both principles as they relate not only to our personal health and wellbeing but to the ecology of our relationships with each other, the plant and animal kingdoms and Gaia herself as a living library of consciousness destined for a particular evolutionary unfolding with which we are directly invited to participate. Our current collective awakening is being deeply activated by the Divine Feminine Consciousness which has been silenced and subjugated for centuries because of patriarchal oppression where masculine principles have been misused and abused in order to gain control, profit and power over others while toxic agendas have depleted the planet's resources at an alarming rate. Humanity's addiction to enslavement, war and rape as a "normal" way of life is finally being recognized by many more people now for what it is: unjust, inhumane and completely insane. True healing often begins with a crisis, which is really a decision point in the course of an illness where we either actually change for the better or continue to suffer. At this very moment-- we all have that choice. This is a pivotal cosmic portal that will support your awakening in miraculous ways if you decide that's what you want. We have astrological aspects at play that we haven't seen for hundreds of years. There is another way to live that will invite you to accept full responsibility as a powerful co-creator of your life. It will ask you to surrender all of your ideas about what is happening and why and to trust that it is all playing out exactly as it needs to. We are at a cosmic crossroads where timelines are splitting and some significant decisions must be made. In general, there is the choice to remain asleep or awaken, but more specifically there is the choice to participate in the fighting and dismantling of the old structures or to engage directly with the decision to practice higher-self mastery and engage with the process of personal and planetary ascension by being involved in the co-creation of the New Earth paradigm. Beyond right or wrong, every person must choose, authentically, for themselves. I am guided by a desire for the latter and will continue to dedicate my efforts and energy into restoring, remembering and reclaiming the body, heart, mind and soul of the the Divine Feminine back into this world. I believe that the most revolutionary act we can commit now is to walk the way of Love by choosing to claim our divine birthright of happiness and to prosper in all ways. The choice to continue suffering and fighting in the name of justice, peace, or freedom isn't necessary. Your suffering won't help others suffer less. Instead, by fully claiming your own body, mind, heart and soul as a sovereign, free and divine creation and choosing to live in alignment with the qualities of your higher self everyday, you will be participating in the masterful art of your own self-actualization as well as contributing to the balance of the whole of creation through your own transformation. This way of walking the path of Love is ancient and encoded in the fabric of your own soul. When you begin to turn the details of your life over to your higher self, you'll be amazed by what doors open. You'll remember that you are from the future and that you came in order to birth this new paradigm. Everything you need to make this a reality is already inside of you. Legions of divine support (not to mention human beings) are with you assisting the living out of your legacy if you just ask. The Divine Feminine way is one of softening and surrendering into the non-linear, organic unfolding of our inherent gifts and particular path of purpose. It's the way of creating sacred space for allowing, receiving and magnetizing rather than pushing, forcing or controlling outcomes. It's intuitive and intentional; more about resting into our power and relaxing the neurotic tendencies in favor of claiming and embodying our divine qualities. The sensual body and all of its functions are as sacred as the spirit that animates it. As I am led to more deeply practice, explore and evolve my own relationship to Divine Feminine Consciousness, I am being initiated into a new level of my awakening. Much is shifting and rearranging within me and while it isn't always comfortable, I am certain that I'm growing in accordance to the authentic prayer of my heart. The path of Love is intelligently designed to reconcile the Divine Masculine and Feminine into balance through Unity consciousness where each part contributes equally to the whole. Every being on the planet is invited and included to participate in this cosmic Love-Making as a unique embodiment of Soul in the ushering in of this next Golden Age. At the end of last year I wrote about how this would be a year where quantum leaps in our spiritual awakening would be possible. I invite you to continue to open to those possibilities in your own life when you align with the highest and best within you. Vividly imagine the world you want to live in and commit to first making it a reality within yourself. Vibration matches vibration. How bright are you willing to burn? Let the incorruptible Light at the center of your being reveal the perfect next step and have the courage to take it. Trust your heart to show you the way. It is safe for you to live in the most sacred, beautiful and joyful ways. This is the age of self-initiation where it's entirely up to you to take your rightful seat on the throne of your own divine sovereignty and claim every single dream that your heart most desires. You get to choose the reality you most want to experience everyday. You are a very powerful creator and you're definitely not alone... Know that SHE is here and the Goddess will continue to Rise. Unmasked and unafraid to get very close and personal. SHE IS YOU. I AM HER. WE ARE ONE.
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