12/1/2020 1 Comment Becoming the Bridge“Love is the bridge between you and everything.” ~Rumi Welcome to December and congratulations--you have successfully navigated through a deeply transformative year! But it's not quite over yet. This entire month in itself represents a powerful gateway into the new year.
From the Full Moon Lunar eclipse on November 30th, to the 12/12 spiritual activation day, a Solar eclipse on the New Moon in Sagittarius on the 14th, Winter Solstice with the Grand conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn on the 21st in Aquarius and the month closing out with a Full Moon in Cancer on the 29th, we have some very big energies at play! Just as I started writing this blog, several crows began flying around my backyard and the sound of their call can't be ignored. In the Native American tradition, these are considered signs from the natural world and an invitation for us to pay attention to what they might be signaling our consciousness. Because this is happening as I write, I trust that there is a message for all who are reading this now. When I look up the medicine of Crow in Jamie Sams' Medicine Cards book, this is a paraphrased version of what it says: "Crow...Are you "cawing," So I may know, The secrets of balance, Within my Soul? Or are you sending, Your sacred "caw" Just to remind me, Of universal laws? Crow medicine is (that of) Law. Since Crow is the keeper of sacred law, Crow can bend the laws of the physical universe and "shape shift." All sacred texts are under the protection of Crow. Creator's Book of Laws or Book of Seals is bound in Crow feathers. Crow feathers tell of spirit made flesh, Crow is also the protector of the "ogallah" or ancient records. The Sacred Law Belts, or Wampum Belts, beaded by native women long before the boat people or Europeans came to this continent, contain knowledge of the Great Spirit's laws, and are kept in the Black Lodges, the lodges of women. The law which states that "all things are born of woman" is signified by Crow. . . Human law is not the same as Sacred Law. More so than any other medicine, Crow sees that the physical world and even the spiritual world, as humanity interprets them, are an illusion. There are billions of worlds. . . Crow is an omen of change. Crow lives in the void and has no sense of time. The Ancient Chiefs tell us that crow sees simultaneously three fates--past, present and future. Crow merges light and darkness, seeing both inner and outer reality. If Crow appears, you must pause and reflect on how you see the laws of Great Spirit in relation to the laws of humanity. Crow medicine signifies a firsthand knowledge of a higher order of right and wrong than that indicated by the laws created in human culture. As you learn to allow your personal integrity to be your guide, your sense of feeling alone will vanish. Your personal will can then emerge so that you will stand in your truth. The prime path of the true Crow people says to be mindful of your opinions and actions. Be willing to walk your talk, speak your truth, know your life's mission, and balance past, present and future in the now. Shape shift that old reality and become your future self. Allow the bending of physical laws to aid in creating the shape shifted world of peace." This perfectly relates to what I intended to write about this month--which is about building the bridge to a Higher Truth within. As much will continue to shift, change and appear chaotic outwardly, the choice to practice Self-mastery and personal sovereignty by remaining focused on the wisdom within your own Sacred Heart is a vital skill to develop. As you commit to this intention, you are becoming the bridge to the Infinite Source of wisdom, truth and love within you. It's from this place of inner connection, that you can begin to become the bridge to the world outside of you. Inner energetic alignment always precedes outer manifestation. Cosmic law reminder: as within, so without. I would like to offer you a few very practical ways to maintain this alignment as the month unfolds. Our daily Self/Soul care continues to be of primary importance: * Focus on what brings you the most JOY. Engage with the people or activities that you love being with or doing. Explore and discover new joys. Make a list of the things that bring you alive each day. Because everything is significantly amplified energetically this month, choose to amplify that which you want to expand; not what you don't. *Set a daily intention first thing in the morning to align with your Highest Self and service. Work with the ancient mystery school technique of Decrees and Invocations. It is also Cosmic Law that if you call on the Highest Light of God/Divine Source it must be granted. So use your voice to call it in! Center yourself in your heart and command: "In this Now moment, I call forth the Highest Light of Pure Source Consciousness, Beloved I AM Presence, to fill my being on all four levels with Divine Light, Divine Love and in alignment with Divine Will. Unify, amplify and expand infinitely in every direction. I set this light forth and consecrate my thoughts, words, actions and intents this day to serve the Highest. So be it and So it is." Stay very conscious of how you are using your words throughout the day--your words create your reality. Use this simple test: consider putting the phrase "SO IT IS" after everything you think and speak. If it's not in alignment with what you desire to create then choose differently! *Connect with the natural world every day. Aim to experience all 5 elements (earth, water, fire, air, ether/space) in some way. You can be creative depending on your environment. If possible, get outside and put your bare feet on the grass, allow the rays of the Sun to warm and wash over you, hug a tree or tend a garden, breathe fresh air, gaze at the night sky, walk near or swim in a body of water or take a warm epsom salt bath. You can light candles in your home or office, use an aromatherapy diffuser or burn sage or incense to clear the space, place a few objects from nature on a window sill--a rock, crystal, feather or shell to bring the natural world into your living space. This kind of bridging with the natural world is one of the most effective ways to restore balance and harmony and it's free. So unplug from the inorganic/virtual reality and connect to Gaia--our Living library planet and most powerful Organic Healer, Teacher, Mother. Her ascension is our ours--feel yourself connected to the frequency of the Earth as the resonance is daily shifting to higher levels. *Keep a dream journal. Many of us are experiencing very vivid dreams each night. Place a notebook by your bed and jot down anything you recall in the morning. This is a rich way of building the bridge between the unconscious and conscious mind. Notice any symbols in your dreams that may relate to your waking reality and think about any personal associations they may have for you. *Utilize the timeless practices of Prayer and Meditation to keep the vertical channel between you and Spirit open and clear. The more you practice, the stronger the alliance becomes. And because there is so much happening in the collective that seeks to keep the mind caught in polarization, it is vital to create a buffer of protection and peace. There are many ways to meditate--using mantra, breath, mindfulness while cooking or walking, etc. Choose whatever helps you slow the momentum of the mind and supports you in attuning to deeper Intuitive knowing. Most importantly, do your practices consistently to maintain equanimity daily. I offer many short "Tune Ups" on my YouTube channel that may be of support. I'll be offering one final special Solstice event on 12/21 at One Yoga and Fitness. "Becoming the Bridge" will be a 2 hour practice to support your energetic upgrades on this potent day. In the Kundalini yoga tradition it is taught that two of the most important days to do a dedicated yoga and meditation practice are Winter and Summer solstice. It is said that our practices on these days create an alignment that will allow us to more easily unfold on the path of dharma or purpose throughout the rest of the year. I welcome you to join me for an Energy yoga practice and Chakra meditation that will activate the "Rainbow Bridge" and create the conditions to elevate your consciousness to the frequency of Unity and Peace. My dear friend and Reiki healer, Kolleen Evers, will be offering a crystal bowl sound healing relaxation to further support our energetic attunement. Let's finish this year feeling victorious, balanced and focused on a positive vision for the future that you and I most want to create. You can register for this event online through One Yoga. Finally, I will be taking the time to make the most out of this month for myself and will be *mostly* offline and reflecting on my own dreams and visions for 2021. I will continue to teach my weekly Wednesday and Friday classes at One Yoga through December 23rd and then will be completely offline and not working or seeing private clients until January 8th. Thank you for engaging in the conversation with me here, in my classes, videos and social media platforms over this last year. Thank you for your commitment to doing your part to become the powerful creator that you are. May you be abundantly blessed in the new year to come. I see you. I bless you. I love you. We are ONE.
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